October 03, 2003

Macromedia Flash help?

I've been following in the footsteps of my younger brother and trying to learn Flash.

I've had good manuals on hand as I taught myself while rebuilding a new and improved website to replace the current Flash site at my freelance business website.

I know there are a lot of ways to skin a cat--and to build a Flash site. The way I did it was basically to have each page as a scene in my movie. I'm in the final stages of production (and have been for months), and am trying to add preloaders. My first preloader works, but subsequent preloaders don't always. I could add more detail, but I don't want to overwhelm.

I assume I need to add a conditional script, but I'm at a loss.

Any ideas?

I hope to put a BETA version up soon, then you'll be able to see how they don't work.

Posted by JRC at October 3, 2003 04:16 PM