weather trees sense cold limbs before autumn
temperatures rose
the sun tonight when
rainfall whisked our city soft
stem is glowing warm
wings double, fling small their
nudged, gait-less being twiggy-soft
branching high
the other land, walking in bright
air this morning
fell with the locks
of reading about
another land
Thinking mostly of our own young puppy, not ready to meet larger dogs; at least, not easily ready to meet larger, older, social dogs.
Today reminded that Time may not remain open for readiness to rise in puppies, though training is important and, yes, needs steady minds.
The larger, older, social dogs may or may not be where they were later today or tomorrow, even though they have seemed permanent for weeks now.
Isn't that often the way new events unfold, like "permanent weeks" only?
How often is it that a passing Hello lets a neighbor in on a goodbye?
claimed shadows in the walls trees made, reaching through light descended years
upon versing air and water, weather speaks temperate, thought's strange, insistent braiding.
to ands now, their voices, each in time
deciphering memories—more than that—speaking their
childhoods' story, comparing days as shared
experience, explaining why now is full of ands: how this and
that, and the way else un-flows from that is why, maybe;
and can they know, not knowing how much longer their
parent might be reconciled within their childhood,
quickening grown ups.
traverse large leafed green sparrows winding
string like feather veins dropped finest
moss, as moss is slow,
gathering, stationary,
its young communion,
older, older
today's thunder tomorrow's perspective
water sloping through walk
ways gurgling stones, feet
still, finding modern pieces
broken, dropped, shattered, entire,
like celebrations were mountain
rising, a pebble's dream.
tove walk waet