(I found this in my computer "Notes" but do not know if it is mine. The tone and content fit other writings of mine, but this? I cannot confirm to have typed it July 26, 2013. Having copied it to paste here on my blog, the date has changed to today, September 10, 9:51 AM, and the time continues like a clock on that Note, now copied here. Bizarre arrangement this seems:)
Words confirm himself
weapons maker, privacy welding;
Doubts confirm myself
flimsy. I am not knowledge or memory,
Making itself changeable,
adapting to whatever private pursuit
a loved friends does.
Neglecting the minutes God is giving
me this moment, while prizing
them, these quiet solitary spaces my
mind continues to prefer,
its steel a trap without feet for love.
I do not enjoy flimsy days;
Any more I would blunt myself into You.