button factory
needle factory
balloon factory
string factory
pencil factory
eraser factory
paper factory
US Mint.
candy factory
Altoids factory
bandaid factory
earplugs factory
wheel factory
reel factory
tackle factory
bobble-head factory
rubber fish factory
dog toys factory
rubber mice factory
news factory
newspaper factory
dark socks factory
striped socks factory
paint factory
language factory
noise factory
ticket factory
static electricity factory
puppet factory
doll clothes factory
small curtains factory
theater company fabrics factory
candy lips factory
stand alone display cases factory
radio housing factory
repairing broken history factory
protecting today factory
making room for displaced people factory
glue factory
synthetic fibers factory
Simon Says factory
all things Elvis factory
Neil Diamonds factory
Standing Room Only factory
lotto balls factory
recycled numberless lotto balls factory repository field
Stand of trees.
Small house with driveway, mown lawn, back patio.
Burgers. Beef. Mushroom. Vegetable. Mushroom.
This is what I think of when asked, "What do you think of burgers?"
Victoriana factory
Remembered People factory
Humans are Us factory
Humans were Them factory
Bottle with tears factory
Voices speaking, "I'm not hungry, thanks" factory
Voices speaking, "I'm famished" "Do you want milk, Sweetheart?" factory
Voices speaking under their breaths, "yea" "right" "oh" "stop, please" "look this way" factory
The Look This Way factory
the I Love You factory, never closed, though abandoned for centuries.
the Park Artilleries At The Door factory
the Please Bring A Spoon factory
the You Are Welcome, yes You factory
Fax machine factory
Tighten yourself factory
New Language factory
Use Your Own Body instructions factory
Ink factory
Everything that rhymes with "ink" factory
Temperamental Elegance extinct factory
Genuine Everything Dear To You factory
Free factory
Come get your animal factory
One visit per lifetime factory
One life per visit factory
Savior. Creator. Nature. Music. "I will never leave you nor forsake you."
Remembers Love.
Closes distance.
Grace. for typos.