the ribcage pierced to bring us out.
Your hands removed a piece entire by
hand. Your will embraced the man's
solitude comparing him to animals'
ways. Your Person formed the en-
trance of lives begun from one,
then One, pierced through one
beginning Eve named, not h
erself, welcome evident fr
om Your deliberate form
-ing her, from him, from
Him enclosing generations through Y
our willingness to be formed by Your
hands. Evening feels
the walk of waking
company two our
pair loved, lovin
g daylight's re-
cover y, en-
closed once
more skins
twice shed
for once led
into a greater
land, we walked
more foot warn, till
God lorn minds deman-
ded a sorrowing forgetting
Your forming of Eve, named by
Adam blessed. Eve of Eve by Adam
loved, once upon awaking. Beloved Christ,
Your form encloses me, I trust to wake with Thee.
i cannot, will not praise a woman without the man, the Son of Man, called Redeemer,
Kinsmen Redeemer. And I will thank God while I live and through Him rest secure in
life or death.