I am thinking of tree balls,
root balls of trees. / Dogwoods close to the house.
Small trimmed boxwoods in front of the left
(road) fence, shielding / vegetables behind
the fence. Opposite the narrow walkway, planning
to widen for linked arms; / two or three
new dogwoods for the right
side, roses in front of the right
(road) fence. / One or two
dogwoods for the back yard,
hence the size of root balls. I would like /
a very large planter, elevated
in its own secure
platform near the deck stairs. /
(This is not Freudian.) I want to see
dogwood blossoms close to the deck
and the back / door. Also,
the flagpole in the vicinity
for beauty, seasons, and patriotism.
Today, thoughts of root balls / will
be investigative, unearthing small pin
oaks, possibly planting them equidistant
in the back, / or possibly planting one
in the center of the creek, or toward the bank.
The water will be greater / than the tree,
for a while anyway. I do not want to cut these down
and relegate / them to firewood. I know they are "messy"
tall trees as they grow up, but they have appeared /
where they are. They may
stay nearby.
I am of tree balls root
balls of trees / where they are
They may stay
nearby / Dogwoods close
to the house Small trimmed / trees as they grow up
but they have appeared / boxwoods
in front of the left (road) fence
shielding / firewood
I know they are "messy" tall / vegetables
behind the fence Opposite the narrow / I do not want to
cut these down and relegate / walkway
planning to widen for linked arms / than tree for a while
anyway / to or three new dogwoods
for the right side / or toward the bank
The water will be greater / roses in front
of the right (road) fence / or possibly planting on
in the center of the creek / one or two
dogwoods for the back yard / possibly planting them equi-
distant in the back / hence the size of root balls
I would like / will be
investigative unearthing small pin oaks / a very large planter
elevated in its own / seasons patriotism
today thoughts of root balls / secure
platform near the deck stairs / also the flagpole in
the vicinity for beauty / (This is not Freudian.) I want to
see / dogwood blossoms
close to the deck and the back