July 04, 2010
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Posted by nancy at July 4, 2010 12:41 AM
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John, thanks for your comment and interest to hear more! I have a good bit to say about it, because I am examining it, but the short reply is this: I wrote it when I was mostly asleep. I had taken my nighttime medicines, and shortly after I had chosen the title—"berries"—I gave myself time to think and type, and the type that came is the mechanical, nonsensical entry that you see posted. I remember pecking out keys, more from feeling than from seeing, and hitting the return key deliberately. I remember recognizing that the poem was "finished". I don't know how I knew it was, except that I liked the way it looked, the shape of it, blurry and sort of moving around in the box I was typing in. My eyes must have been about to stop registering sight at that point. I posted it and fell asleep. When I awoke around 3 AM, I thought that I might have posted gibberish, checked the page and saw that I had. I didn't read it, but just saw the gibberish and, amused, went back to sleep. Later I looked at what I had put down, and there is definitely more to share. I'll write that in another place and post it later—soon. Again, thanks John. —nlb
having recently picked some berries (black) from the bushes behind the neighbors garage I can say it is a surprisingly painful procedure, but the rewards are great. A few berries are sour, but most are delicious. I felt a jolt of surprise when I tried to decipher your berries and am a bit unsure of the flavor. Still, I am compelled to reach my hand into the thorns, so to speak. Any follow up comments would be delightful.