February 21, 2010

11:20PM; 21 February 2010; Sunday

Considering Shepherd's Care Assisted Living and its origin as Shriner's Hospital for Children. Tomorrow, Mother Bopp returns to her home at Shepherd's Care, in a new room suited for her downstairs. This writing began as I felt the firmament bearing down on my head.

Pressing sun
my crown betrays
popping fellows
foundry; Grafted
shafts all
balanced line
Roof to cellar
basement climb
once plow

grown trees
& stumps &

hollows of our dear's

retreat; so
leveled bricks
as earth-stacked

corn, and mortars

poured child's
ligament out
on a table

balanced lain,
& served or
bound, thus aired
their wounds;
mend forest's
holes & deer's
retreat &
broken stumps
plowed innocent.


Posted by nancy at February 21, 2010 11:39 PM
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