January 02, 2010

B237. The Stars May

know where. they are space
in between like. Michelin


go in ground. round to lights
that change their.


slowly. far

away we are. able

to blink years in. their seconds

they were coming

toward. us

their names
would be. ours.

know. w[here]
theyears are space in between. like
Michelin tires go in. ground
round to lights that change. theassimilated before
intervals. slowly
far away we. are
able to b[link] years. in
theassimilated before seconds. If
theyears were coming. toward
us theassimilated before names would. be

Gog || Michel (Eyquem) de Montaigne (b.1533 - d.1592), French Essayist. || Andre (b.1853 - d.1931) and Edouard (b.1859 - d.1940) Michelin, French industrialists. Founded Michelin tire company in 1888. Known for pneumatic tires on automobiles. || 1533 - stars || 1533 - genes http://amigo.geneontology.org/cgi-bin/amigo/term-details.cgi?term=GO:0008633&session_id=55amigo1262621072

Posted by nancy at January 2, 2010 10:17 AM
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