January 18, 2006
Its about time

I just clocked myself an all time not-blogged-for-a-long-time record. Ouch. I am not missing, or otherwise gone. I'm here quietly wishing for enough time to post something of excitement.
To micah: I apologize for my blog absence. But I say to you, act fast or you will be breaking my record. Seems to me your last post was hmmm...December 24th. Touche, my boy, touche.
Here's what you can look forward to in the next couple of days...
...book reviews, lots of em.
(Humility - Mahaney, The Grace and Truth Paradox - Alcorn, God is the Gospel - Piper, Brothers We are Not Professionals - Piper, The Discipline of Grace - Bridges, Reaching out to Unchurched Students - McKey, and more)
...A new promo video DVD for Oak Ridge Baptist Church
We just sent to the duplicator a new promo DVD for the church. I went for fresh, but warm and inviting. I'll post in later this week.
...CD reviews (I'm branching out a bit with some new content)
Got a new free CD to review and some others that I enjoy.
...Ad campaign for a Friend's Day coming up at our church
...a couple of thoughts God has been working me over on recently
...early designs that failed (we are talking early stuff here)
A delve into my early design years. I combed my computer a little while ago and found some strange things. What was I thinking?
Posted by jonkopp at January 18, 2006 04:51 PM
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