May 10, 2005
Freedom is over.
Today I am enrolling myself in online seminary-level training.
Courtesy of Biblical Training, I plan to work my way through some core courses to better equip myself for whatever God brings my way.
Currently I am sitting at my desk listening as Dr. Douglas Stuart introduces Old Testament Survey. The outlines are transcribed, and you can follow along with the streaming audio. It seems like a pretty good setup. The content looks good so far. I may end up picking and choosing classes, but hey, its free. I'm not going to be too picky.
By the way, take a minute and check out what the site has to offer. They have a bunch of different tracks, from lay classes and Biblical Institute Training, to full-level seminary instruction.
Piper teaches Pastoral Theology in one of the segments.
Posted by jonkopp at May 10, 2005 11:07 AM | TrackBack