January 14, 2005


95% of us have never written down our goals in life.
Of the 5% who have written them down, 95% have achieved their goals.

Yale Research found that 3% of the 1953 graduating class had written down goals for themselves. By 1975, the continued research found that the 3% who had written their goals, accomplished more than the 97% who had not put together.

"Sad is the day for any man when he becomes absolutely satisfied with the life he is living, the thoughts he is thinking, and the deeds he is doing."


I don't really like the term "New Year's Resolutions," it normally connotates someone who wants to lose weight, but doesn't really want to change the way they are living. I should call these rather goals that I feel very strongly about achieving. Therefore, because I want to strive to achieve more in my life for my Savior, because I want to go out of my comfort zone that I might depend on my God of all comfort, because I want to aim high enough so that God has to work through me in order to hit the mark, because I want to do all I can to make the Cross more known, and because I want God alone to get the glory in my life, I prayerfully commit these few small things to my all-sufficient God.

This is my first time doing this, and I pray that at the end of 2005, I can look back and see where, how and to the amazing extent that God is going to stretch me to be able to accomplish these things. I submit to His leading in and out of these ideals. I simply know that I need guidance as I aim to glorify my Savior. I feel deeply for these things. They are important to me, and I pray for my God to do exceedingly abundantly above all I can ask or think in these things.


I am resolved in 2005, to passionately commune with God every day in Bible saturation, gospel giving, faithful obedience and consistent prayer, striving for a deeper walk with my Father.

I am resolved in 2005, to better myself through improving the following areas: reading (30 books this year, 10 I want to read, 10 I need to read, and 10 I'm asked to read) writing (improve style and speed through this blog and other venues,) speaking (preaching and worship service,) academic pursuit (taking correspondence courses & class work toward a Masters Degree-Monday night Masters or other,) music (guitar improvement, vocal, choral, and piano,) discipline (physical exercise three times a week, organization of my time, skills, and work and eating habits-cutting junk and other energy killers out of my diet,) loving (my wife first-I have a separate set of resolutions for this, my teens and church second, and the lost,) giving (sacrificially as the Lord leads-more than what I already am,) and discipling (prayerfully, ten teen guys this year.)

I am resolved in 2005, to make new and cultivate old friendships with teenagers (my church, the Oak Ridge High School soccer team, and FCA), men in my church (Young Couples SS Class, Teen Parents, and Senior Tour), and unbelievers (contacts I have already made, and those the Lord will bring across my path) that I do not yet know.


I am resolved to love, lead, honor, cherish, build up, present pure, and support you in a way that glorifies God in the greatest way, being wholly faithful to you.

I am resolved to provide for and love our honorable pursuits of wasting time together, hanging out, playing games, dating, chatting, and sailing together for the rest of our lives.

I am resolved to spiritually create an example and environment that you can look to and thrive in--consitently prodding you onward in achieving all that you can for your Lord.

I am resolved to be your one woman man, loving you with a love of choice that is not founded on how I feel, but upon who you are, and what I promised you and my God.

Posted by jonkopp at January 14, 2005 12:55 PM