February 04, 2005

nofollow links

Movable Type 'nofollow' plugin was released last month. I just found out about it, but hopefully it will ward off some spam.

How it works

Google and many other search engines have agreed to rescpect the "rel='nofollow'" attribute and value on anchor tags. Adding that to an anchor tag (<a>) will now keep search engines from indexing routes to those links and increasing the page rank of the linked web sites.

The new MT plugin (which has been installed) adds the "rel="nofollow'" code to anchor items in comments and trackback entries. It doesn't add it to blog entries, however, since you'd probably like to be able to promote things via your blog.

So, all that to say, hopefully we're at least not helping the cause of spammers, even if they keep annoying us.

Posted by TheIdeaMan at February 4, 2005 07:03 AM | TrackBack