March 03, 2003

A Blogger on Blogging

It all seemed so simple. Write something, now and then, as often as you like, everyday, just to keep up your skill. It couldn't be that hard. No paper to find. No pencil to sharpen. No pen to run out of ink. No problem.

Then why is there nothing to show for this best of all writing world's. Why does it seem so difficult? Why has no ground been plowed? in a MONTH?

But ground has been plowed and furrows run deep ready for a new planting a new spring, but the work has not been made visible, shared with fellow laborers. It has been pondered, but not planted.

To blog or not to blog, that is often the question and the details of daily existence determine the answer. Too often, it is not to be. But, defaulted promises can be made right. To keep a promise to one's self and others is the noblest of tasks and a blog is a promise to write, to share, to create, to record, to remember - a talent given and unused is a gift discarded or denied.

If you have come in recent days to see what ground has turned, what seeds planted, what fertile soil turned up in huge dark mounds, you have found nothing but frozen dirt, frozen by the cold frost of futile life creeping in to prevent the plow from its honorable task of digging and turning and renewing the earth.

I hereby return my plow to the unturned earth of thoughts unshared and words unwritten, determined that from henceforth it will be a daily task to turn the earth of this plot of mine and discover what there is to write and record and remember.

So I will blog on, not for the sake of blogging alone, but because I must write in order to remember that what has been given must be used or lost.

Posted by swy at March 3, 2003 03:57 PM

me too.

Posted by: stephanie at March 6, 2003 05:49 PM
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